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Children’s Zorb Parties

Childrens Zorb Parties – From £250

Here at ZorbingHire UK we can also host childrens zorb parties for 6 years olds and upwards.

Childrens Zorb parties are an amazing idea if your looking to keep a group of children entertained and occupied, without loads of bumps and scratches.

With our party times varying between an hour to two hours, you are bound to have exhausted kids by the evening too – perfect if your looking for a bit of piece and quiet later in the day!

Children find zorb parties so much fun.  They can compete against mates, play dodgems, blow off some steam and just generally enjoy themselves.

Childrens Parties Zorb Party

Zorb Party Childrens Parties

Zorb Parties Childrens Party

Zorbing Party Childrens Paries

Childrens Zorb Party Packages

The Childens Zorb Parties package includes zorb football / bubble football and other games.

Each party can cater for between 20-40 children. Our first package allows up to 20 children for 1 hour and our second package allows up to 30 children for 90 minutes. We can even host up to 40 children party for 2 hours!

All our staff are fully trained and have been CRB checked.  Staff also have full first aid training.

Our prices include:

Our party package allows you to hire out one of our venues along with a party organiser, a bubble football referee and all the zorbing equipment you would ever need! Everything you need to maximise the fun and create a day your child will never forget!

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